Post 13: May and June, 2020 - I want to go to Montana!
Post 13: May and June, 2020 - Gas, water, and a bed. Now that the electrical was well on its way, it was time to turn attention to the "bedroom" and "kitchen" requirements. Propane for a stove, water for the sink, and a place to sleep. A plan to visit my good friend, Mary Severson, in Montana, sped up the timeline and urgency. Jim and I found a way to work safely together and we made much better progress working together. A word about propane. Propane safety is something that I have seen missed in many van builds, especially DIYers. It is important to have an LP gas tank sealed and vented through the floor (liquid propane is heavier than air so settles to the floor). Jim had built me a gas tank locker. I drilled through the floor once again and placed a vent tube. I was always cognizant of balancing the weight distribution from side to side and front to back. My Ford Transit is a rear-wheel drive, so having weight over the back passenger si...