Post 11: On my own

 Post 11: On my own -

As April progressed, Jim and I became more concerned about his safety. We reluctantly decided to cease our partnership until this whole thing calmed down. Little did we know how long it would last and how many spikes would occur do to poor public health compliance. 

I was planning to start work on the interior ceiling which included insulation and wiring in addition to the actual ceiling boards. 

At some point here, Sutter Health's response to all things COVID-19 was in overdrive - I think that I worked 34 days in a row with no break. No time for van building, combined with high anxiety and the demand for innovation,  was causing extreme stress. 

When I finally had a day off, I wanted to do some work on the van - I knew it would make me feel better, and believe that at some point I may actually be able to GO SOMEPLACE. I had read in another vanlifer's blog that these long barn boards were available at Home Depot. I liked the look and with trepidation, I headed to HD, masked, gloved and playing the same-pole magnet game; you know, when same poles of magnets get close they repel and fly apart? That was me at HD.

I purchased the boards and set up my radial arm saw. Luckily Jim and I had already attached wooden boards to the crossbeams on the roof with toggle bolts. The ceiling boards would be attached to these. I began in the center, around the fan and worked my way out. But before I could go too far, I needed to run wire between the boards and the roof and stuff insulation before the entire ceiling was closed up.  

A huge challenge was the length of the boards. I had to prop shower curtain rods and telescoping golf ball retriever poles to hold up each end so I could screw the boards to the ceiling. They shifted, fell, all things crashed to the floor, many, many times. I needed a second set of arms, and Jim was not there. But a bigger challenge was that these shiplap boards were warped, bowed and cupped. Many times I had a pry bar in one hand and the drill in the other trying get the boards to align and attach. All of this over was brutal. 

The end result is rustic and fairly nice. I still have the ends and sides to pretty up. More roof photos later. 


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